After the announcement of the integration between Closd and Lexis Poly at the beginning of the month, we are delighted to share the latest updates and improvements of the platform! Closd now integrates the qualified electronic signature, and allows to order the signatories of a signature checklist; also, we have improved the functionality to upload and download documents.
Find out more about all these updates!
- Closd now provides qualified electronic signature
- Create groups of signatories
- Schedule an end date in the signing session
- Download several documents without going through the Bible menu
- Allow your guests to create and upload folders
Closd now provides qualified electronic signature
Closd now allows Project Managers to opt for the qualified electronic signature when setting up their signing checklist, available with DocuSign.

The qualified electronic signature has the same legal value and enforceability as the traditional handwritten signature in a court of law, and offers the most advanced degree of authentication of the signatories and the most complete evidence file.
The qualified electronic signature is provided with a qualified certificate, which validates the identity of the signatory after a face-to-face verification process with a qualified agent issued by our partner IDnow, Qualified Trust Service Provider (TSP).

This procedure, guided step by step by an operator, is valid for two years. For each new qualified signature, the user who has already completed this procedure will be able to simply log in on the IDnow platform.
Closd is now able to support its customers in every deal by offering all types of electronic signatures (simple, advanced, qualified), regardless of their needs or the size of their organization.
The size limit for DocuSign documents has been increased from 29.3 MB to 50 MB.
Create groups of signatories
It is now possible to have signatories sign in a specific order and by group.

After selecting the different signatories of your Signing checklist, you can Order the signatories by clicking on the button on the top right.
With a simple drag and drop, order them by groups of one or more signatories. Each member of the same group will receive the documents simultaneously.
Schedule an end date in the signing session
Whether you choose to start it now or schedule it, it is now possible to choose a date and time limit in the settings. If the document is not signed on time, it will be marked as canceled.
To get a document signed within a time limit, click on “Start signing” in the Signing checklist menu.
Download several documents without going through the Bible menu
It is no longer necessary to generate a bible to extract files from your Documents! Select one or more documents to download, then click on the Download button above the documents. The selected documents will be exported in .zip format.

Allow your guests to create and upload folders
It is now possible for Project Managers to authorize your Guests to upload files or create and upload folders. Manage access rights by group or individually from the Settings menu.

Want to learn more? Contact our team for a free demo of the solution, or subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date!